


My ds -- lately he's seem just sooo grown up to me. I'm feeling guilty for maybe being too reliant on him...

Keaton buddy, I love you so much! When I look at you lately I see so much more of a man then a boy and you are only 3 (almost 4). In a way, I feel like I have expected enormous things from you and relyed on you for so much and maybe that is why I see you this way. I watch you throwing rocks, and playing in the dirt, looking for bugs, and riding your bike. At these times I still see my child discovering the world and enjoying things as they happen. I see you laughing and smiling and seeing things for the first time. I see my baby boy experiencing life. I still help you get dressed (although you prefer to do most of it yourself), tuck you into bed, make you lunch, comfort you when you are sad, and show you the world, but I also cant help but see the man you will someday become. I feel like I rely upon you too much for too many things. Im afraid Im robbing you of your childhood. You hlep me so much with Cambry. You help her put her shoes on the right feet, hold her hand in the car when shes sad, get me things when I ask, help me clean, even carry in a bag or two of groceries. You know the rules of the house and are usually pretty good to follow them. I dont know if this is unusual or normal, but I do appreciate it. But, I also want you to live your life and enjoy being a kid. I dont want to rely on you for so many things. Do you need to learn respect and responsibility? Yes. But you are only 3 and should just be doing what kids do best. Im sorry if Ive relied on you for too many things at such a young age. Maybe someday youll thank me, and maybe not. You have been a steady rock for me in times of chaos. I know I can rely on you to be there for me. I rely on your smile in times of sorrow or tension. I rely on your laughter to cheer me up and lighten the mood. I rely on your spirit to encourage me, uplift me, and inspire me. I rely on you for so many things, but most importantly, I need you to know that you can rely on me too. I will always love you, help you and need you.

Clipping frame - Paislee Press Fresh Linens (oscraps)
Heart Brush - Taylormade (oscraps)
dude... i could probably take this WORD for WORD and say it to gage! wow... incredible journaling and fABULOUS design to go with it!!! beautiful work on this!!

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