

POTD Page 14

  • Media owner lkdavis
  • Date added

Anna Aspnes
Artsy Transfers Capture (available tomorrow)
ArtPlay Palette Capture ArtPlay Palette Capture
ArtsyCameras No. 3 ArtsyCameras No. 3
UrbanStitchez No. 9 UrbanStitchez No. 9
FadedWords Photography No. 1 FadedWords Photography No. 1
AnnaBlendz Artsy No. 4 AnnaBlendz Artsy No. 4

Fonts: Quickpen, Avenir Next

Process: After deciding on this POTD photo for the artsy side of my two page spread, I dragged the photo onto a new document. I attached a inverted mask to the photo and used an annablendz brush to bring back in parts of the photo. I changed the blend mode to multiply Then I duplicated the photo two more times, setting one copy on hard light and the other on color dodge and adjusted the opacity of each layer. Below the photo I placed a solid paper from Autumn Soul. Above the paper and photos, I placed two copies of faded words and reduced the opacity to 25%. Above the paper I used layers from .psd transfer 5 and 4 to add color to my page. I moved all the artstrokes above my photo. I then added my journaling, a button with a color fill layer and the urban stitchez. Ive decided to give only the first page of each month the year and month. So I used a font that looks very much like my handwriting for the word winter.
love, love your project life double pages. the two sides are matching always so perfectly together. the left sides always have something artsy, inventive and the right sides are full of wonderful everyday moments&photos.
extraordinary work, it will be a perfect and great memory.
Love this spread Linda. Wonderful blending - and I look forward to seeing what you come up with even though you are dealing with the winter temperatures.
Looks like a photo from a book to tell a portion of a story................really beautiful page!
Your double page is totally gorgeous, but this one is fabulous as the blending and the way you faded words !

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Anna Aspnes
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