
Port Ludlow

Port Ludlow

Text Reads: Port Ludlow, Washington.
Locally known as the "village in the woods by the bay." It was named in 1841 by the Charles Wilkes of the Wilkes Expedition. The earliest industry in Port Ludlow was lumber and milling, but today the community is largely comprised of retired persons, and vacation properties.

Construction: I started with Artsy Layered Template No 274 and removed the frames. I then added Vagary FotoBlendz No 1 #3 under the template layers and clipped my photo to the mask. I added two duplicate photo layers that I used “find edges” PS filter, blend modes and decreased opacity.
I added Trees No 5 #4 brush along the top of the photo and at the top of the mask.
I used the boat element from the Vagary Collection Bonus at the bottom of the photo fotoblendz and the cluster items above the template layers.
I added more cluster elements to the left using MultiMedia Flowers No 5 #2 (changing the button color), the ArtPlay Palette Bravura foliage and the Bravura WordART Mix No 1 Wood Word “This”.
Fonts used are AuraBlueBold and Academy Engraved LET.
Credits list
ArtPlay Collection Bravura is On Sale Now through August 23rd at 9 am EDT.
ArtPlay Bravura Collection
ArtPlay Palette Bravura
Artsy Layered Template No 274
MultiMedia Flowers No 5
Bravura WordART Mix No 1

ArtPlay Collection Vagary with Bonus is On Sale Now
ArtPlay Vagary Collection
Vagary FotoBlendz No 1

Other supplies:
Trees No 5
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
  • Love
Reactions: isDK
Beautiful work. I'm sure it's a beautiful place. Love the framing with clusters.

Layout information

Anna Aspnes
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File size
248.2 KB
1000px x 1000px

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