

Pool Glam

  • Media owner Miki
  • Date added
Anna Aspnes
Artplay Palette Splash Artplay Palette Splash
Stained SkribbleSummer 2 Stained SkribbleSummer 2
Swimming WordArt 2 Swimming WordArt 2
Sea Sprinklez 1 Sea Sprinklez 1
Watercolor FotoBlendz 4 Watercolor FotoBlendz 4

The Process
I selected my background paper from AP Splash. Clipped my photo to a watercolor fotoblendz mask and using a soft brush with a reduced opacity, I erased around the edges of the mask to form better to my photo. Next I added the transfers, and erased the edges with a soft eraser at a lower opacity to soften the edges. The frame, stained scribble (colored the stain a darker blue), elements, artstrokes, word art were added to finish the page.

This is so perfect, and she looks really happy to be in the pool with tall he fish and the innertube.
That photo is darling, and love how you have framed it with the water transfers. Adorable!!!
So cheeky and fun and perfect to be mentioned in the June 30 O My Scraps - the Funnies! https://ozone.oscraps.com/?p=6858

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Anna Aspnes
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