

Out of the Ordinary

  • Media owner lacy
  • Date added
January 10, 2025
An unusually rare snowfall for us. We got about 8” of a light fluffy snow, looking picturesque on sagging evergreen branches and perfect for snowman building. We didn’t build one, but it was very easy to shovel off the deck. Ron made a path to the ash can (for safety) and I shoveled the rest. We also walked to the front gate to take pictures and to make sure it would open in case we needed to leave in a hurry. The last time we got more than 2” was 2011.
Credits list
FotoInspired Template Pack 3I p5
ArtPlay Palette Chills (SP1)
ArtPlay Palette Winter Wonderland (SP2, Transfer6)
MultiMedia Holiday 11-4, MultiMedia Holiday 12-4
Holiday Fastener Notions No 1
Button Threadz 5-1
Winter WordArt Mix 1
Glows, Splatters, Gradient

The FotoInspired Template layers were placed on a new document. Photos or papers were clipped to the masks. The background consists of a blended SP with my photo of the pasture and tranfer6 behind the journaling. The MultiMedia were combined to make a cluster with the template clock hands (Levels, Hue/Sat and Color adjustments). The Holiday Fastener with Button Threadz was added to complete a visual triangle. Word Art and journaling were added. Completed with Levels adjustments to the photos, several glows and a blue-gray gradient to help brighten and colorize slightly.
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
  • Love
Reactions: isDK and bcazzell
Beautifully composed! I had to scroll and see what you used - didn't recognize this as FI - great use! LOVE the snowman and the metal bits! Congratulations on the Standing O!
Beautiful snowy photos! I love how you put this all together. Your bottom quote, the silence is beautiful is perfect and I can hear the quiet in your layout.
Beautiful snowy photos! I love how you put this all together. Your bottom quote, the silence is beautiful is perfect and I can hear the quiet in your layout.
Yes it was beautiful for one day. Now I'm over it. LOL! I will venture out today to a car club meeting and groceries but will have to drive Ron's 4WD truck to get back up the hill. The roads should be clear by now.
Love the use of the FI template, especially for the snow scenes and the soft masks, to add more haze/blur to the snow. The snowman cluster is perfect for the snow. For my like liking, the amount you got is what I enjoy...kind of snowed in, but not quite. We had this amount over several days. Congratulations on the Standing O!!
Just saw this in the Standing O thread - stunning page indeed! Love the blending and how all the colors go together so well.
You got more snow than we did up north. Love the photos and congrats on the Standing O!
Fabulous layout and Congrats on the Standing O. We haven't had any new snow since Christmas but that will change in the coming days.

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Anna Aspnes
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111.1 KB
600px x 600px

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