Fotoinspired Edge Templates 5
Multimedia Flowers #8
Multimedia Daisies #2
Able Artplay Palette
UrbanStitchez Hearts No. 1
Concert venues may be closed, but musicians have come up with some inventive ways to stay connected.
Photoshop Elements 14
Sometimes I skip the main FotoInspired Template and just go right to the FotoInspired Edge Templates, and use those layers as clipping masks. Here I started with Edge Template 5-3 and clipped duplicates of my photo (five in all) to the various layers. I then pulled in Edge Template 5-1 behind those layers and used it to form a background by clipping in photos of daisies and recoloring some of the layers shades of periwinkle. Multimedia flowers were the obvious adornment to complete the page, and the heart stitchez. The background was made from Able Artsy Paper #3 and several brushes from the Artplay Palette.