
One Little Bird

One Little Bird

One Little Bird
Username: Peppermint
Email: peppermint @ onelittlebirddesigns.com
Terms of Use: http://frickonastick.com/terms-of-use/
Website: http://www.onelittlebirddesigns.com
Blog: http://frickonastick.com
Newsletter: http://frickonastick.com/subscribe-to-the-one-little-bird-newsletter/
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/peppermint2go
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/onelittlebird

Bio: My Scrapbooking Philosophy

I believe that life is more than just a handful of big events and that
real life is what occurs in-between them. One of the biggest
advantages to scrapbooking digitally is the ability to document real life
without the need for a lot of space, time or clean-up. With just a
computer, a single piece of software and a handful of digital supplies
on your hard drive you can record the magic of everyday life as it
happens whether at home or on the go.

Just as each person experiences life differently, each person
approaches scrapbooking differently. There is no one size fits all
formula for recording the moments that make up your life. My biggest
hope is that my products will inspire you to record simple, everyday
moments and your unique perspective on the world around you. No
stress. No pressure.

Documenting your memories doesnt require a lot of bells and whistles.
It doesnt need to follow trends or contain all of the latest products.
The important thing is that your images, your experiences and the
whisperings of your heart are present on the pages you create and
that you enjoy every minute you spend creating them. Just a record of
everyday life, one story at a time.

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