

Now in the end_APP Ambages_NAdams_600.jpg

  • Media owner NAdams
  • Date added
APP Ambages * arriving soon *
Ambages WordArt Mix No.1
Artsy Stains No. 11

APP Ambages Artsy Paper 3 is the foundation. There are 3 layers of the photo. The photo layers were adjusted to ColorBurn, SoftLight, and SoftLight. Each layer received a layer mask. An Artsy brush was used to hide areas of the photos, especially the hard edge. APP Ambages Transfer 2 was layered on top of the photos and adjusted to ColorBurn blending mode with 73% Opacity. The cluster was created from the elements. Ambages WordArt Mix created the title. Artsy Stains were added for texture and visual interests.

Thank you for looking!
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
Wow, how pretty! I love the blending and the tones.... just a beautiful page! A well deserved Standing O! Congrates!
Holy cow! You've been a creative whirlwind lately. I think this one is my favorite though--I am loving the flow and the freedom and the intensity of this design. Oh...congrats on the well deserved Standing O!
Agree with Laura, your creativity muse is working! Congrats on the Standing O! Wonderful blending!
Congrats on the Standing O! Great photo and blending. Your city is so beautiful.
Congrats on your standing O! I do love the depth you have created in this piece as well as the use of colour and typography.

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Anna Aspnes
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Image metadata

Now in the end_APP Ambages_NAdams_600.jpg
File size
214.3 KB
Date taken
Thu, 26 August 2021 4:06 PM
600px x 600px

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