


  • Media owner AK_Tracy
  • Date added
I went with a bit of the storybook idea and divided the page in 4 squares to tell the story but didn't actually use lines to divide it so it would also flow. I used But First...Coffee! and Christine to create this layout. This is a huge stretch for me but was a fun challenge to stretch with.
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Foxeysquirrel
  2. Laitha
Oh Tracy, I saw the little thumbnail in the Gallery and thought, "I wish I were having a cup of tea with Tracy". And then I see it's coffee! :rolleyes: But we could do it. This is so well put together and I really like the different scenes all as one! :heartpumppink:
Oh Tracy, I saw the little thumbnail in the Gallery and thought, "I wish I were having a cup of tea with Tracy". And then I see it's coffee! :rolleyes: But we could do it. This is so well put together and I really like the different scenes all as one! :heartpumppink:
We can so have coffee/tea together. I have lots of teas to pick from. My friend is also a tea girl. So you get up here and I will gladly make you some yummy tea. :heartpumppink:
I've been hesitant to do a fantasy page, but I can sit here, sipping coffee, and admire yours. It's wonderful! And a lot of fun, too.
I've been hesitant to do a fantasy page, but I can sit here, sipping coffee, and admire yours. It's wonderful! And a lot of fun, too.
Just jump in Diane. Its so much fun. It scared me too and I thought, gonna try anyway,. And look what happened. I took a reality, and turned it into fantasy. Or did my fantasy become reality? :giggle4:

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Challenge 2
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97.4 KB
600px x 600px

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