
New AnnaChallenge Chatter

New AnnaChallenge Chatter

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New AnnaChallenge Chatter
February 18 March 3

Recording great snippets of conversation that make up our everyday lives is an important part of memory keeping
...the humorous, meaningful, cute, endearing, inspirational words we hear throughout the day.

The words, as much as photos, tell the story.
Words can even substitute for photos to create a very dynamic page.

Maybe its just one word or a whole conversation.
Here are some ideas to jumpstart your creativity.
Complete the thoughts with your own story.
like I always say
did you know
he said, she said
hey, mom, did I tell you?

You can also use other designers products, too, as long as your page contains some Anna products.

Upload your page to Annas Gallery with AnnaChallenge in the title
and post it in the forum so we can all admire your work.
One lucky participant will be randomly selected to win a $5 GiftKard to Annas Shop.
The winner will be posted on Monday, Monday, March 4.

Anna Aspnes Designs:
ArtPlay Palette Chatter https://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=33128&cat=383&page=1
Chatter Sampler No. 1 https://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=33121&cat=383&page=1
ArtsyLayered Template No. 86 https://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=33119&cat=383&page=1
Urban Stitches No.2 https://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=33122&cat=383&page=1
Notebook No.1 https://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=33024&cat=383&page=1
JazzedUp LoopDaLoop No.2 https://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=33022&cat=383&page=1
Number FotoBlendz No.1 https://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=33120&cat=383&page=1
Antiquated Frames No.2 (soft light mode to soften frame layer above) http://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=30498;cat=383;page=21

Fonts: Soymilk, New Press Eroded, Bombshell Pro, GeoSansLight

Process Notes:
I used a combination of transfers from ArtsyLayered Template No.86
placed over paper from AP Chatter to create the background.
I placed the photo over the transfers and set it to Hardlight Mode to allow the colors to show through.
I then duplicated the photo and, after experimenting with modes and opacities, set it to 25% LinearDodge.
To lighten parts of the little girl*, I then duplicated the Linear Dodge layer.
Parts of the background were then too dark so I simply eased those areas.

*the little girl is my twin sister
caught sitting on my grandmothers dining room table playing telephone.
Circa 1952.
Wouw!! Such beautiful invitation to play!
Love that photo and the phototreatment. Just .. gorgeous!
OMgosh this is just adorable! love the blending of the photo! have fun to have caught this moment! love the challenge!

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Anna Aspnes
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