

Month In Review - November

  • Media owner lacy
  • Date added
After talking about painting the house for at least three years, we finally got it done in November. Because, why not do it in the middle of building the little house and the ’57. We hired Alan, he did it in about one week. The actual engine cover on the ’57 (last month’s was a stock photo), to be painted the same color as the car. We put up Ron and Chris’ hunting blinds. Tracy’s had been up for a while, high on a raised stand, so she could bow hunt. We discovered it wide open, someone else apparently had been using it, and another camera had been stolen. That’s five cameras stolen or destroyed in the past few years. It’s maddening we can’t protect them on our own property, even with security lock boxes. I didn’t have photos or write anything about it, but Tracy fell and broke her left arm/shoulder on the 22nd, so she is done hunting for this year.
Credits list
Month Review Template Album 8 p22-23
ArtPlay Palette Equinox
Artsy Kardz Equinox
MultiMedia Equinox 1-1
MultiMedia Branches 20-3
MultiMedia Leaves 11-1, 11-2
Autumn WordART Mix 8

The Template layers were placed on both sides of a new double page document. Photos or ArtsyKardz were clipped with Levels adjustments as necessary. Some hue/saturation adjustments were applied. Equinox SP2 was placed for the foundation on both sides. Template stains, etc. were filled with blue or brown, blend mode Linear Burn. Embellished with elements, MultiMedia, Word Art, finished with journaling.
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
Love your pages and storytelling. You had an eventful November. Very annoying and probably costly the frequent thefts of your cameras.
Another glimpse into your rugged and crazy life, so interesting. I think I told you last month I had to ask my husband what a hunting blind is :-) Shame about the cameras - in the middle(sort of) of LA we don't worry about locking our doors, and you have cameras stolen in the woods. The world is all topsy turvy :-(
Another glimpse into your rugged and crazy life, so interesting. I think I told you last month I had to ask my husband what a hunting blind is :) Shame about the cameras - in the middle(sort of) of LA we don't worry about locking our doors, and you have cameras stolen in the woods. The world is all topsy turvy :-(
Yes, I remember, that's why I put a picture of a whole tent so you could see. Ron keeps talking about putting crappy old cameras high up in trees with no limbs, (but neither one of us should be climbing ladders) with a sign by the good one saying 'smile, you're already in the cloud, haha'. When they can't steal them, they just destroy them. Pretty sure it's a bunch of meth heads who live fairly close. And yes, the world is truly on a crazy bend.

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Anna Aspnes
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