


CREDITS: Celebrating Life: Birthdays, a My Scrapbook Art Collab; font is Dawning of a New Day

I dont have any pictures of my 13th
birthday, but it was by far my most
memorable celebration. My dad
and step-mom rented a condo every
year and in 1983, that week fell
during my 13th birthday. I had
several friends and cousins over -
Abby Pyeatte, Lisa Walsingham,
Carol Johnson, Tracy Hicks and
Laura Dyess. I dont remember
much about the cake or the meal we
ate, but I do remember the gift my
best friend gave me - a stuffed parrot
in a plastic bird cage that tweeted and it
was so cool because it came from
Spencers in the mall. I suppose what
made the birthday so memorable was
simply the location. It was out of our
normal routine for birthday celebrations
that we regularly had at home. The
condo was located on Pensacola Beach
and so we had access to the beach and
a pool, hot tub, and tennis courts.
Even though Ive had some fantastic
parties and celebrations since then,
my 13th birthday party will always remain
as my most memorable birthday.
Cheryl what a fabulous memory to scrap!!! LOL!!! the stuffed parrot sounds hilarious!!! too bad you don't have photos of it!!!! totally love this non-photo page, beautifully designed!
I want a stuffed parrot - sounds great. Sadly, I'm no longer 13! Great LO, beautifully scrapped.

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