


  • Media owner AK_Tracy
  • Date added
I love this challenge. Thought of doing an early 1900's baby photo of my grandfather but then I ran across these photos from a weekend at the lake and they begged to be a layout. I laughed when I saw how my mom hit a bump and managed to almost knock my grandpa off the backend. This was 1982. I used Winter Whimsey for the background paper and Winter Warmth for the tag and snowflake.
Designer(s) Used:
  1. et designs
  2. mixed media by Erin >>
Photo(s) Credit (REQUIRED field beginning Feb 1, 2025)
Photos are both mine.
Wow thanks for sharing this...looks like so much fun. I had fun snowmobiling with my son years ago. I love how you masked and blended the two pic into that winter scene. You made a great memory page.
Wow thanks for sharing this...looks like so much fun. I had fun snowmobiling with my son years ago. I love how you masked and blended the two pic into that winter scene. You made a great memory page.
Thank you Debby. Its so funny to see the older machines and how much fun we had and they didn't go near as fast as ones now. We thought we were so bada** back then. Thank you for the blending comment, it was fun turning the photos into one and creating a scene.
Wow, Tracy! This is wonderful! I love the blending the photos, the golden tones, the whole scene. Beautifully put-together!
I grew up in NH and remember lots of outdoor fun, both winter and summer, on the lakes. We didn't have a snowmobile or anything, but I loved to skate on the lakes -- much more fun than on a hockey rink! :)
Wow, Tracy! This is wonderful! I love the blending the photos, the golden tones, the whole scene. Beautifully put-together!
I grew up in NH and remember lots of outdoor fun, both winter and summer, on the lakes. We didn't have a snowmobile or anything, but I loved to skate on the lakes -- much more fun than on a hockey rink! :)
Thank you Diane. I love skating on the lake. My dad use to plow me a rink and I would spend hours out there. The best was when the ice froze but the snow was minimal. I could skate the whole lake. And yes, way more fun than a hockey rink.
love the large photo and looks like so much fun out on the snow . great job blending the photo into the background
thanks for joining the challenge

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Challenge 2
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600px x 600px

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