

love is small moments.............

  • Media owner donnagoar
  • Date added
A bit of ART Journaling for a beautiful quote. Im reading Ann Voskampss 'The Broken Way.'

Love is small moments written into the inner hem of a heart that can change how someone breathes. Ann Voskamp

Kits by Anna Aspnes
ArtPlay Palette LAmour (NEW)
Love WordART Mix No. 1 (NEW)
MultiMedia Hearts No. 3 (NEW)
Statues No.1 (NEW)
AnnaStyles No. 2
ArtPlay Retro Holiday (frame)
Distressed Edge overlays No. 9

Page Process-
ARTPlay.brushes and transfers layered and played with blending modes.the contentment of seeing what unfolds on the digital canvas.

Added a few elements and highlighted them with AnnaStyles that allow digital pieces to pop with a bit more reality.

Love WordART Mix pieces were blended into the ART. The quote was added using the Volstead font.

The Label from the New AP AMour spotlights the author of the quotes name as well as added a bit of balance with the element placement.

The addition of the frame was placed at the bottom of the layers palette and the darken blending mode was applied with the opacity tweaked to give the ART a bit more visual interest.

I had let the ART rest a bit and felt it was done, but soon received Annas new MultiMedia Hearts in my email to proofWOW!!! Its as though Anna knew exactly what this ART design needed, yet she had no idea what was unfolding on my canvas.one of those happy accidents that came together perfectly.

Printing this as a Valentine and sending to some sweet people in my life.

thanks for lookingdonna

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Anna Aspnes
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