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Anna Aspnes
Artsy Transfers Party (coming Wednesday)
ArtPlay Palette Party ArtPlay Palette Party
JazzedUp LoopDaLoop No. 5 JazzedUp LoopDaLoop No. 5
AnnaBlendz Artsy No. 3 AnnaBlendz Artsy No. 3
ArtPlay Palette Winter Sunrise ArtPlay Palette Winter Sunrise
ArtPlay Palette Wonderful ArtPlay Palette Wonderful

Process: Im experimenting, trying to find a way to add multiple photo layouts that focus on one moment as a photographer to the book I'm creating. I thought that using an artsy layered template might distinguish these layouts from the single photos that represent just one day on the fotoinspired template pages. Since these layouts are intended for a book, Im leaving more white space and using fewer elements.

On the left, I used Artsy Layered Template No. 183, leaving the frames and masks as they were delivered. I clipped my photos to the masks. For the background I used a combination of pieces from the template, the AP Party and the artsy transfers party. I also used pieces of one of the transfers as part of the background for the photo that I clipped to a camera fotoblendz mask. I placed an extracted copy of my granddaughter above all the layers clipped to the mask because I wanted the intensity of color in the original photo to blend with the framed photos. The sentence on the left above my journaling is intended to be more about the photos and a part of the story of both pages.

On the right, I used the quick selection tool to roughly extract my granddaughter from both photos. I placed the extraction selections on masks. For both photos I created a sketch first which I set on multiply blend mode and then brought back in some of the color on the photos from a second copy. The background is basically artsy transfer party_1. I recolored a couple of layers, reordered a few layers and duplicated a few to use on the other side. I added the title, which fits the journaling on the left side, and then my list. Then I added the layers of the jazzed up loop, deleting the stitches, changing the opacity on a few layers and moving the glows below my granddaughter.

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Anna Aspnes
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