In 2008 I promise:
1) Do not destroy every single bed momy buys me! And doesn`t matter how tasty it looks!
2) Stop trying to get in the shower after someone used it just because I love to lay down in the water and then rub a wet myself against the floor of the entire house!
3)Socks are not toys! Neither shoes or tennis are!
4)Stop blackmailing mommy so she won`t take me to the petshop for my weekly bath. It includes not giving a "high five" to try to convince her with my cuteness!
5)I`ll eat better
6)Do not tear, torn or hide any mail put under the door. It means EVERYTHING. Not even bills.
7)I`ll try to understand that if the bell rings it doesn`t mean the visit is for me! I won`t start running out the door!
8) I`ll stop entering the neighbour house without an invitation!
9)I won`t stop in front of EVERY house that has a dog ion my daily stroll
10) I`ll help mommy to convince that to have another puppy like me!
By O.N Designs @ SBG
Grab Bag XL n. 3
Painted Doodles No. 1 !!!NEW!!!
Silvester Doodles !!!NEW!!!
By Jofia Designs @ TDC
Ephemerals II
Glitter and paint splats from Festivities Collab Kit by ah! Designs, Two Sisters Designs and O.N. Designs @ ah! Designs Shoppe
Shimmery Alpha Red by Loreta Labarca @ NDISB
Font: You all everybody