
I feel

I feel

template from october copy cat challenge @ oscraps

kit "in moderation" (full kit and add on) by taylormade @ oscraps

journaling :

french :
Cela fait 5 jours aujourdhui que jai fait le test +++, je ne ralise toujours pas quun petit tre se dveloppe lintrieur de moi ... mais je suis heureuse ... fatigue mais bien ... pour le moment je ne ressent pas encore les premiers symptomes de la grossesse mais a ne saurait tarder .. alors je profite de linstant prsent .. juste detre bien ... Viladin - 09.10.2010

english (according to google translator)
It's been five days now that I took the test + + +, I do not always realize that a little being is growing inside me ... but I'm happy ... tired but good ... yet I still do not feel the first symptoms of pregnancy but it will not be long .. so I take this moment .. just be good ... Viladin - 10/09/2010
Mais c'est super super super a!!!!! Trop contente pour toi!!! Prends soin de toi!!!! Et en plus la page est superbe!!!
omg!! i'm so glad you are JOURNALING this pregnancy from the very start. i so wish i had done that. i would give ANYTHING to have journaled things like that to give to my daughter some day when she is pregnant or nursing or potty training, or whatever. even a small amount of instruction can go a long way when experiencing this season of life for the first time. go ahead, girl... journal the whole thing!!!!

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