
here and today

here and today

Hhhmmmm....okay....had this page in mind for awhile - this is for Kat's July O-Stash Challenge. Not sure if I qualify but I am glad to get this down on "paper". Nina's WA was just the instigator I needed.

Thanks to both Kat and Nina :)

Credtis: ** all Nina Scraps Designs (Oscraps)
kit - e.s.c.a.p.e
template - Unique The Simple Line No.13
Oh, Helen - this is a treasure of a layout - one you will look at in years to come and remember this particular time in your life
and you're right the WA is perfect!
God Bless, and thanks for sharing
Candid, honest & touching journaling - a reflection of you!
Beautifully done Helen!

There is only one thing that you can trust to be certain,constant & endless and that is change! But, you my friend, will do fine because you are ready for it, welcoming it as a new opportunity in your life and embracing it as part of your personal journey!

I've always like this quote: "Courage is not the absence of fear. It is, rather, the total presence of fear, with the courage to face it"

Ok... this scrapping-therapy takes over sometimes......;)
Good luck Helen, wish you all the best!
Oh Helen. *sigh* How I admire you! And I am so grateful for the chance to know you. Someday my friend, I hope to meet in "real" life. Yet, what is more "real" than what I know here.
Just beautifully done! Your journaling is right into the heart!! From what I have seen here of you...you will master what changes come your way!! Love it sweetie!!
Wow, this really is so well done Helen! Love your honest, heartfelt journaling - You have such a strong & positive attitude to face whatever changes are coming your way that I am sure you will come through them successfully! All the best to you, my friend!!
OMG! Helen! don't know about you but I am a total mess after reading this journaling and the last one about your son! As everyone has said your positive nature will see you through all the changes ahead, and while you will perhaps stumble a bit, that is what life is all about my friend! I think even being able to scrap about it has already helped you to focus on what is coming and how you will handle it. Exceptional layout my friend! xo
oh helen my friend!this is so touching (ok i admit i had to read it 3 times...lol) but i really love this page! this is my absolutely no 1 of your pages! love ya, xoxoxo and hey youll handle everything with the energy you have!
Helen! This is such a beautiful page and that journaling is so powerful and you will be so glad you wrote it down so you can look back at this time someday and realize that you DID do it, because I have NO doubt in my mind that you will.

That babygirl of yours is going to do just fine on her own, she is going to be one of the strongest and smartest girls in school, just because you have been there for her all her life, that is her safety, she know she ALWAYS will have you as her rock.

And if you ever need a shoulder to cry on, be angry at, or just need someone to listen, you know you can count on me! (just please dont hit it no more ;) )
oh helen, another beautiful and powerful page! i can relate to your anxiety about the unknown and the burdens that you carry. sometimes we as mothers feel that the whole world rests on our shoulders. trust yourself, helen, and i'm sure you will find the inner strength to navigate whatever lies ahead. best wishes to you, my friend!
In a similar place to you right now, my friend, so I hear you loud and clear. You are strong, and you know this, so your strength will pull all of you through whatever comes your way. And don't forget, if Katie's anything like you (which we all reckon she is) she'll be running the school before very long!

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