Journaling reads:
I never really knew you John McKay. I know you were my mums father, my grandad, but I can only recall maybe four occasions when we actually met. All of these meeting were when I was much younger, with the sad exception of one. A meeting that no-one wanted to happen. I will never know what it feels like to loose a child, but I do know how it feels to loose a mother, my mum, your child. I wished Id known you better, but dads job moved our family around a lot and we always lived so far apart. I have a handful of photos of you and Grandma, mum had them and they were passed on to me. Some of the photos of you were taken during your time in Italy in the 1940s. I wonder what you were thinking about in these photos. Missing Jean and the girls perhaps? Regretfully, I will never know.
Thanks for looking!
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