

Go Cart - SF

When we were in San Francisco in 2008 we rented a Go Cart to view the city from a different point of view. We had a blast! It was so much fun driving around in that small cart and people waved friendly at us. When the streets were to steep, I had to go out of the cart and push it. LOL. Unfortunately time went by way to fast, so we had to take the cart back. When we go to SF again, we will definitely rent the cart again and then for a longer time. I think when we go back, we also go biking again, because that was a lot of fun too!

All Anna Aspnes:
ALT 180 - http://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=10012561
AnnaBlendz Artsy No. 4 - http://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=10012502&cat=398&page=1
ArtPlay Palette Behold - http://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=10012577&cat=398&page=1
ArtsyStains No. 1 -
FadedWorded Travel No. 1 - http://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=10012562&cat=398&page=1
Postmarked No. 1 - http://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=10012576&cat=398&page=1
Find My Way No. 1 -
Go See WordART No. 1 -
Outdoors WordART No. 2 -
Travel WordMix No. 1 -
FotoInspired EdgeTemplates No. 4 -

Process notes:
I clipped the photos to the photo masks. I placed my background paper. I added some transfers, wordart, elements and a wordstrip on my page.

I opened a fotoinspired edge template psd and placed part of it on my page, set the blending mode to vivid light and clipped my photo to it. I set the opacity to 67%. I repeated the process for the photo at the left bottom side of the layout. The opacity I set to 55%.

Adventure is waiting:
I duplicated the wordart. One I colored red, the other one yellow (like the Go Cart). I erased adventure on the yellow one. Then I Ctrl-clicked on the thumnail so it was selected.
I clicked in the menu on Select - Edit - Expand (13). I added a new layer underneath the yellow wordart by clicking New Layer while holding down the Ctrl-key. I clicked Ctrl Backspace to turn the layer to white. I added a shadow to give it some depth.

Thanks for looking!
It really comes across in the layout that you were having fun! Love the colors and the textures.
what a fun day! you forgot the part where you say you are going to visit me on your next visit to sf :-)

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Anna Aspnes
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