Created for the ‘These Moments Matter’ Month of Challenges by Pixels, Paper and Paint - Life in Pictures by Lynn Grieveson and Rachel Jefferies
In the hustle and bustle of my daily routines, it’s easy to overlook the simple, yet profound moments that can make my life feel brighter. These moments are often quiet, subtle, and easily missed, but they have the power to shift my energy, bring me peace, and remind me of the beauty in the world around me . I like to call them “lichtpuntjes” or glimmers, those tiny sparks of joy that can brighten even the most ordinary day.
A glimmer might be the soft light of the morning sun filtering through the window, casting gentle shadows on the walls. It could be the warmth of a cup of tea in my hands, a moment of calm amidst a busy afternoon. Or just the smile of a stranger passing by, a silent gesture that says, “I see you.”
These moments don’t need to be big or grand to matter. In fact, it’s often the smallest things that have the most profound impact on my well-being. The sound of rain tapping against the window, the comforting aroma of freshly baked bread, or the feeling of a hug from someone I love—each one is a tiny glimmer of connection, safety, or happiness.