
Galway Cathedral

Galway Cathedral

Credits: Anna Aspnes, Carmen Melanoche

Journaling:poke around Galway Cathedrals website and it appears that the church has taken a bare-bones step into the 21st century. You can find a mass schedule (more up-to-date than the sign on the door) and the results of a parishioner satisfaction survey (keep mass under 40 minutes and sermons short - some desires are universal, I guess). But in some ways mass there had a very 1965 feel to it - matching the year in which the cathedral was built and the mosaic of President Kennedy in one of its alcoves. An altar boy held a platen under chins as people knelt at a communion rail to receive communion on the tongue. As if to underscore the point, as I passed the sacristy just before mass I heard a staff member exclaim, We have a !Yank! (visiting priest co-celebrating mass). I hope he knows what hes doing.
Enjoyed your journaling - made me laugh! Interesting because I have Irish ancestors. Love the page - evokes some of the religious mysticism of Ireland.

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Anna Aspnes
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