

Flowers bloom

  • Media owner zwyck
  • Date added
ArtsyTransfers Daffodil ArtsyTransfers Daffodil by Anna Aspnes
Spring WordART No 2 Spring WordART No 2 by Anna Aspnes
ArtPlay Palette Go Retro ArtPlay Palette Go Retro by Anna Aspnes
SilverPaint No. 1 SilverPaint No. 1 by Anna Aspnes
StainedGlows No. 1 StainedGlows No. 1 by Anna Aspnes

Process: I started with a solid paper from ArtPlay Palette Go Retro and placed an artsy paper set to blend mode Difference over it. I used the Magic Wand Tool for the artsy paper and selected the area with pink color in the bottom and erased that part on the solid paper. I also changed the color for the artsy paper. Then I added a mask to the solid paper and adjusted the opacity in some areas that where left after the erasing. I added a glow from StainedGlows No. 1 in the top of the page and changed the color with adjustment layer for Hue/Saturation. I placed a transfer from ArtsyTransfers Daffodil in the upper right corner and clipped my photo to the lace layer.I added an adjustmentlayer for Level and Hue/Saturation. Another transfer was also placed in the same area. Then I moved around the other transfer layers on the page until I was satisfied. I added a SilverPaint No. 1 on the right side and used an adjustments layer for Bevel & Emboss for it. I finished with the title from Spring WordART No 2 and changed the color with an adjustment layer for Hue/Saturation.

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Anna Aspnes
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