
favourite vacation snapshot

favourite vacation snapshot

For Sue's challenge to use this word art.

** Had to canadianize the word 'favourite'.

paper, PP and TaylorMade B-side collab
word art and spots, Sue Cummings

Journaling reads:

Hands down, without a doubt, this is my favourite shot of our trip! Oh, it may not look like much. But, let me tell you they say a picture is worth a thousand words and this photo could write its own novel!

First of all, this was the first croc park we visited while in Australia. Yes, I said first! I believe Marc dragged me to 3 croc parks in total. He bribed me to go to the last one by promising me a day at the mall when we made it to Darwin. After 3 weeks traveling through the outback, I needed a shopping fix!

At the first park, we took the guided tour. We learned about the incubation of crocodiles - that it only takes a few degrees difference in temperature to change the sex of the croc. We saw crocs of all shapes and sizes, and remarked on their names. Most notably, Errol, described as the handsome looking crocodile, known for his aggressiveness. He lived in solitude, having destroyed 4 female companions! And we got to watch as they were fed whole chickens, not a pleasant sight.

The greatest thrill for Marc came when they brought out a young croc and passed it around. Marc beamed. He said it felt like he was holding his firstborn - pure joy! He thought of making a run for it with baby croc in hand, but knew he wouldnt get far! All these years later, he can still mimic its little cry.

Sadly, I couldnt get the camera ready fast enough and this was the result. So this is my the shot that got away. A proud moment not caught on film well, not very well anyway.

Maybe, thats why its my favourite vacation snapshot. It serves as a reminder that in spite of my best efforts, Im not going to get every shot. To be honest, something happens to me when Im on holiday. I become a little obsessed with trying to capture every moment that I forget that I need to live every moment. If I remember that my lens is merely a tool to capture the essence of our experience, it wont matter how the shots turn out. Each will be worth its own thousand words.

Oh, and he may not have come home with the baby croc but he managed to find a great wallet and belt - croc, of course!
this is a snapshot!
GOOD job... with risk!
nide clean lO, stunning results!
woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh. this is absolutely AMAZING girl!!!! definitely my newest FAV of yours!!!!!
what a fun picture! The real question is...did you hold that thing? Ugh! I am glad I didn't have that as my first born...I enjoy the souvineers more. Thanks for sharing your LO!
I know the feeling about being obsessed with "capturing" every single moment of vacations/holidays etc. that I forget to ENJoy the moment!
Thanks for participating in the "extra" challenge!
What an awesome page. Love the honest journaling. Hits very close to home, I'm afraid. Thanks for sharing.

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