

Fall Ready or Not Here I Come

  • Media owner JeanneMN
  • Date added
Second Summer by Wendy Page Designs - August Color Play 2024 at Oscraps

My mother made a sailor suit out of a set of my Pops Coast Guard (WWII) dress blues for my brother when he was about this age. My son had his picture taken in it and this is my grandson at 18 months. My darling granddaughter was a little too solidly built to fit into it and time got away from us.
Credits list
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Wendy Page Designs >>
hey Jeanne! What a cutie and wonderful family heirloom. He's a charmer, for sure. I love the fall colors and drippy paint. Im a sucker for an ornate frame, too. Beautifully shadowed extraction. Aloha my friend!
Oh what a treasure to have that outfit!!!! So cute!!! I love the way you displayed him and all those rich fall colors. Just an adorable photo and layout! :love:
Thank you, Twin, I have a ton more, but this is one of my faves. Lots more pages LOL.
Wow, Jeanne, what a fabulous page! Great extraction and OOB, and, wow again, those fall colors! Congratulations on being chosen for Gallery Standouts! I'd pick this one, too. :)
Oh, thank you for your sweet words. Those papers a phenomenal, The leaves weren't quite that stunning in real life. Thank you too about the GSO, that took my breath away.
Oh my GOODNESS!!! Your grandson is SUCH a little cutie-pie!! :lovey3: I love that the outfit was made by your Mother with such an important piece of clothing and then passed down through family...so precious :heartpumplove: Your extraction is awesome and I love all of the paper pieces and that he is looking out from the frame! Congratulations! Your layout will be featured in tonight's Thursday Oscraps newsletter :lovey3:
Oh thank you, and such a sweet boy & now young man. It's one of my favorite pictures I took that day . He was leaning against the tree, he was 18 mos so I had to be fast :rotfl: I'm so honored to be included in the newsletter,thank you so much.
hey Jeanne! What a cutie and wonderful family heirloom. He's a charmer, for sure. I love the fall colors and drippy paint. Im a sucker for an ornate frame, too. Beautifully shadowed extraction. Aloha my friend!
Mahalo nui loa my friend. So fun to have you pop in here. The colors in that kit are just yummy. The tree he was leaning had fall colors too but not nearly as pretty as these. I did this for a challenge that was way out of my comfort zone. Aloha
love Love LOVE this!!! Everything about it is fabulous and bravely creative!! :heartpumpred: :flower: :flower:
So cute, great extraction and love him leaning against the paper piece! Looks like you have expanded your comfort zone! Congrats on the gso! Thanks for playing the challenge.

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Color Play
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Member Galleries, Challenge 5, Manu Design Studio, Natali Design, Oscraps Cheery O's, Wendy Page Designs,

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249.6 KB
600px x 600px

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