

Fading Away

AnnaRelease 28 August 2020AnnaRelease28August2020
ArtsyTransfers EmbersArtsyTransfersEmbers
ArtsyKardz Embers MultiPackArtsyKardzEmbersMultiPack
ArtPlay Palette EmbersArtlayPaletteEmbers
Embers WordART Mix No. 1EmbersWordARTMixNo.1

Notes: As the foundation I blended solid paper 4 into solid paper 3 to Color Burn. With the Shape Tool, I created a 4x12 inch rectangle across the page and clipped solid paper 1 and blended to Color Dodge just to bring out the paper texture. Over the rectangle and again using the Shape Tool, I created 2x2 squares. Using the guides, I arranged the squares and clipped ArtsyKardz to them and blended the squares in various blend modes. After creating the stroke outline of each square on a separate layer, I moved them a little. And art stroke was added to run across the page.

Bringing in the ArtsyTransfer at the left edge of the page over the squares, eliminating one layer, I used the Bevel and Emboss on the splatters and clipped a word art transfer to another layer.

The rose was brought in from the MM in the Bonus and placed. The word art title was tucked in and more were arranged on the page, clipping an ArtsyKard to them. That finished the page.
Beautiful creative creation. It triggers so many thoughts in me - I love it!
Congratulations on the Standing O!
Love love love love love. I can see myself shamelessly scraplifting this over and over again. Congrats on your Standing O!

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Anna Aspnes
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Barbara Houston
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