
everywhere i look

everywhere i look

i so rarely do AAM pages and this makes my 2nd in a week! LOL

journaling -
how incredibly lucky can one girl get? my life is so unbelievably blessed that i am constantly wondering how it could be this good. dont get me wrong, im far from perfect and my life hasnt been without its share of trying times. as a matter of fact, there are things that threaten to steal my joy everyday. but ive come to appreciate that my attitude is a choice and i choose to embrace all the good and minimize the negative. all it takes is one look at the family that i am privileged to call mine and then i realize that any troubles are really just small potatoes compared to the abundant wealth i have in them. i make no bones about recognizing where these gifts come from. being grounded in my faith and keeping my relationship with Jesus at the center of my life helps me to face the challenges that come. i know He loves me and if He is for me, who can stand against me.

What Do you See? by One Little Bird

stitches by anna aspnes

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