
Enjoy the Ride

Enjoy the Ride

Journaling: In June of 2012 my friend Lydia and I took a day trip to Seattle and caught the Amtrak in our little Eastern Washington town. The Empire Builder out of Chicago was late this morning as it was most mornings, but we were at the station on time. 6:00 A.M. Lydia had brought us coffee and we waited for the train on a peaceful, warm sunny morning. Soon more people joined us to catch the train. By the time the train finally stopped to pick us up, there was a small crowd. The conductor was surprised and wasnt sure where to seat us on the crowded train. We boarded after he gave us our assigned car and were told in no uncertain terms by the passengers in that car that we were unwelcome and to find another car to sit. We told them we were staying because this is where we were told to sit, words that only produced silent sour faces in our direction. During the 3 hour ride to Seattle, we surmised as these people continued to talk to each other as if we werent there, they had bonded as they crossed the country together. They may have been strangers when they started out, but they were close now . . . until they went their separate ways at the end of the line, never to see each other again. I really dont know what was more colorful, the beautiful scenery through the mountains, the visit to Seattle, or the strange mix of people on the train that morning. I suspect the people were.

ArtPlay Palette ScenicArtPlayPaletteScenic
Scenic FotoBlendz No. 1ScenicFototBlendzNo.1
Scenic WordART Mix No. 2ScenicWordARTMixNo.2
MultiMedia Documents No. 3MultiMediaDocumentsNo.3
NoteBook No. 1NoteBookNo.1
NoteBook No. 3NoteBookNo.3
TapedTextures No. 7TapedTexturesNo.3
ArtPlay Palette Home (Branch)ArtPlayPaletteHome
Roughly Edged ToolSet No. 1RoughlyEdgedToolSetNo.1
ArtPlay Chevron InfatuatedArtPlayChevronInfatuated
Photos: MorgueFile and Mine
Font: TrashHand

Notes: After I finished creating the background (I am doing a tutorial on it) I brought in the slide frames and clipped the photos to their masks and arranged them on the page. On the frames I labeled them with my own printing.

Placing the journaling and adding the title with the word art. The roughly edged brush was added at the end of the journaling. Underneath the journaling are the Notebook brushes.

The MM Documents were placed underneath the lefthand slides, I also added the branch from APP Home over the slides and used a layer mask to eliminate the part of the branch I didnt want, making it look like its tucked behind the slides. Then I added the threads and staples to the frames.

Over the background layer I brought in the Chevron paper and using a reverse layer mask, I brought some back around the edges of the page with an AnnaBlendz brush and put it on Darken blend mode. The butterfly is on Color Burn.
That's quite a story and must have been a surprising way to start your trip. Human nature continues to amaze. Definitely a snapshot in time, which your slide frames beautifully convey. And, okay, I have to say it...I love the sarcastic title. :)
Magnifique traitement sur la photo, j'adore votre histoire, et merci pour votre tutoriel.

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Anna Aspnes
Added by
Barbara Houston
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