
Day 9 - Word Art
The only day I celebrate snow is if it comes on Christmas and then is gone the next day! Great take on the challenge! Love the word art you created! Thanks for participating!
The only day I celebrate snow is if it comes on Christmas and then is gone the next day! Great take on the challenge! Love the word art you created! Thanks for participating!
Thanks! I realized my layout wasn't really celebrating anything. It was my birthday and my head was elsewhere. I had an idea for a celebration, but I don't now why I went with the first snow. I've uploaded another word art layout with a celebration. :)
Thanks! I realized my layout wasn't really celebrating anything. It was my birthday and my head was elsewhere. I had an idea for a celebration, but I don't now why I went with the first snow. I've uploaded another word art layout with a celebration. :)
One person's celebration is another person's (me, lol) dread!!! ;)

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12 Days of December (2021)
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1800px x 1800px

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