Background: AASPN_ArtPlayPaletteHolly_PatternPaper1.jpg
Photo: My living room with levels adjusted and Colored Pencil filter applied at settings 5,8,25. I also used a wet media brush (watercolor) to paint stains into and around the fireplace as well as on the walls. I then duplicated the photo and applied a color burn to the top one.
Mask: After merging all of the photo work into a composite layer (Cntrl-E) I used the magic wand tool to extract all gray pixels, leaving those areas transparent. Then I clipped a sheet of AASPN_ArtPlayPaletteJardinier_PatternPaper1.jpg to AASPN_ArtPlayPaletteYule_Frame1B.png. On top of that paper/frame/mask, I clipped the altered photo which, with its transparent pixels, made the walls look wallpapered.
Artsy Transfers: AASPN_ArtsyTransfersGarland_1 and AASPN_ArtsyTransfersGarland_2
Styles: Microferk_ColorsofChristmas-GlitterStyles and Microferk_HollyJolly-GlitterStyles ( were used on Annas plumes and one of her artstrokes, as well as on the title.
Overlays: ldw_FeelingFestive-snow4-overlay by Lara's Digi World, and llc_seasonsgreetings_kit_el18-snow-overlay by Linda Cumberland. (
Fonts: Beyond Wonderful and Pea Mily Mix Regular