APP Palette Viaggio
Product Name
APP_Old World Palette (Transfer 8)
Product Name
AASPN_Notebook 2
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Artsy Transfers Viaggio Product Name
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AASPN_ FabulousWordArtMix1 Product Name
Product Name
AASPN_AdventureWordArtmix1 Product Name
Product Name
AASPN_CounrysideBrush1 Product Name
Product Name
AASPN_ MultiMediaFlutterBys2 Product Name
Product Name
1. Two solid papers were dragged onto my canvas I changed the opacity to get the right colour.
2 I prepared my photo, the first duplicate was clipped to a countryside brush, the second duplicate was placed below duplicate 1 and a mask was inverted and the same countryside brush was stamped onto it. Duplicate 3 was placed above duplicate 1. I created a sketch added an inverted mask and brushed back the sketch. I created one more duplicate (4) placed this above duplicate 3 inverted a mask and using a watercolour brush and gently brushed back in the colour.
3. I stamped two notebook brushes to create a sketch book look, added a transfer from APP_Old World. I dragged in a Viaggio Artsy Transfer and adapted the colours for my layout. Finally I added word art and some elements.