

Bay of Fundy

  • Media owner musicmom3
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Artsy Layered Template 235--**coming soon**
Fallen Blush Artplay Palette--**coming soon**
Title: League Spartan Bold with a small border layer style

Notes on Photoshop Elements 14

I tried something different with this template, clipping my one big photo to everythingthe paint and stain layers on the templates and each of the masks in the three frames. In doing so, the photo's upper deck railing got lopped off, so I duplicated the photo and dropped it in the middle of the frame portion of the layer stack, removing (with a layer mask) everything but the railings, so they would stretch across the layout. As an unexpected bonus, by setting the blend mode of that photo to multiply, I was able to more accurately replicate my memory of that eveningmy original image, from a point-and-shoot camera, had been pretty washed out.

The background is made from artsy paper #3 set over solid paper #3 on exclusion mode. I darkened the edges of the artsy paper with a layer mask, removing the edge so the solid paper could show through from below.

To finish up, I added overlays, the frame, a few embellishments and, finally, for additional texture, transfer #4 toward the top of the layer stack on multiply mode at an opacity of 50%. The little Adirondack chair is from the internet, but the little heart pillow on its seat is from the Artplay Palette.
I love love love what you did here. Thanks for all your directions on how you did it.
First of all I want to say that I could sit there for the rest of my life and be very happy. I love a good full page photo layout and with all the wonderful textures and framing makes this an extra special page.
love the lighting and blending. looks like my kinda place to relax too!
Nice result. The railing gives the whole page an interesting perspective. Love what you can do with a 12 x 12 canvas.
Love the blocking you've done on this page, such a wonderful way to frame that view!!

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Anna Aspnes
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