Love Letters Artsy Transfer #4
Woodshop Canvas frame
Scripttease Overlay, Ablaze Artplay Palette
ScriptTease Adventure Frames No. 1
Brushes: Authentic Artplay Palette , Bliss Artplay Palette , Old World Artplay Palette
Rise Word Art Mix No. 1, word transfer #2
Window facade: free use from
Glass: free use from
Vintage botanical prints
Font: Special Elite Regular
Notes on process for Photoshop Elements 14
My daughter was in a video shoot with a bunch of oranges in a lake and I wanted to use some of the stills in a layout. This is the result. The structure of the page comes from a free-use photo of a building facade, which I used as a background and to frame the top two photos. I blended the large photo into the background and framed the little photo of my daughter on the woodshop canvas frame. The colors in the background and the shading on the flowers comes from the Artsy Transfer. I duplicated many of the layers in the transfer and used different blending modes to get bold or subtle color and texture distinctions where needed. At the end I outlined the top windows with the ScriptTease adventure frames and added a hodgepodge of lettering from a variety of overlays, word transfers, and brushes.