
Anniver5ary ARTChallenge: Remember When

Anniver5ary ARTChallenge: Remember When

Congratulations to Anna and her Creative Team on five years of creating and artful playing. My entry takes me back to a childhood memory. My mother divorced my real dad before I went to kindergarten, so I was often left in the care of my older brother and sister. One day when I was 5, he snuck me into one of the local movie theaters. He had a friend who worked therethey split the fare that he should have paid. And with his share he got me the BIG bucket of popcorn. I think it was to buy my silence for his nefarious activity, but instead it started my addiction to movie popcorn. Even today, I have to have the big bucket.

Used the wonderful freebie kit and a photo from the internet. I couldn't find a good snap of the movie facade; but this one was even better, because it caused the memory to resurface.

Thanks for looking.
Get me the smelling salts! Love everything about this from the story to the use of the "5," to the masking and blending. I too, LOVE theater popcorn. DH and I usually get a tub to share. That's why we only go to the theater twice a year! LOL

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