
Letter from Emma

Letter from Emma

Journaling reads:
"Mom, we had a deal. What happened? You promised you wouldn't cry when I had to leave. It's hard for me too but you have to realize that I need this. I Know we never ealized it would be so soon, but I'm fine, I'm learning, I'm growing, and I want you to be proud of me. Don't you see how I glow when you pick me up? I want you to know that it's because of you and Daddy, because you've given me wings since I was born. You believe that my future is blessed and that gives me the strength to be apart from you for a few hours each day, plus the idea of seeing you at the door at the end of my day waiting to hear my adventures makes this easier.
Thank you mom, for letting me fly.

"School is O so Cool" September collab

"Spiral Bound Alpha" by Blythe Evans

All @ Oscraps
ohhhhh you needed a "Tissue Warning." The journaling has me so choked up! Cyn- you rocked this!!!
Fabulous writing...why don't kids always talk to us like this!!! I love the lighting on that picture too-great job!

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