

Rocks Mussels and Sand

Our camping adventures in our trailer are the best vacation memories when jackie was a little girl. They were so much fun camping in some really beautiful places from the Washington coast down to the California Redwoods.

ArtPlay Palette SwellArtPlayPaletteSwell
ArtsyTransfers Swell (Coming Soon)
MultiMedia Frames No. 3MultiMediaFramesNo.3
Beach WordART Mix No. 1BeachWordARTMixNo.1
ButtonThreadz No. 2ButtonThreadzNo.2
CoolGlows No. 1CoolGlowsNo.1
Photos: Mine
Font: Tom Regular and Tom Handwritten Regular

Process Notes: Using artsy paper 4 I used a mask from MM Frames 3 and clipped my photo to it, duplicating it two more times. Blend modes are: First layer Normal/100% opacity, second photo Screen/38% opacity and the third Soft Light/37% opacity.

Over the photo I placed a part of a artsy transfer psd in the upper left corner and the glow over both the photo and transfer at 50% opacity. Over those I placed an overlay from the Palette long the top edge. Underneath those layers I added the tape part of a psd artsy transfer to bring out more texture along the right edge and bottom left of the photo.

Adding the photo of my daughter holding her mussels, blending her into the large photo with a layer mask, eliminating the areas I didnt want to include with a brush. I also duplicated that photo two more times. Blend modes for those layers are: First photo Normal/100% opacity, second photo Screen 70% opacity and third photo Soft Light/ 34% opacity.

I duplicated that photo one more time and placed it at the bottom right edge of the page turning down the opacity and resizing.

I added the twig and word art, using a style on the word art to better match the twig and added the rest of the title. Along the right side I added a scribble overlay from the Palette rotating it to go from top to bottom. Over it I created a text box and copy and pasted in my journaling. I finished the layout with the button and thread and scattering the duplicated shell throughout the page, adding the sandy color underneath them with a brush at a lowered opacity. A precious memory preserved.

Layout information

Anna Aspnes
Added by
Barbara Houston
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