
Magere Brug

Magere Brug

Magere Brug (Thin Bridge(Deck) in Dutch) is a bridge(deck) on Amstel in the center of Amsterdam .Il involves a traditional bascule bridge to double(copy) - wooden levis painted in white. The work of origin was built in 1670, but it was so narrow that two people could hardly cross(meet) there. He(it) was reconstructed in 1871, but renovated in 1969 to allow the passage of cars. The car traffic was allowed until 2003, year during which the bridge(deck) was repaired and reorganized not leaving any more the passage than to the pedestrians and to the cyclists. The bridge(deck), the length of 80 m and counting 9 spans, gets up several times a day to allow the passage of barges. Pleasure steamers can pass under the bridge(deck) without he(it) is raised. The bridge(deck) is illuminated in the evening by 1 200 Chinese lanterns.. The bridge(deck)
Love the framing and how the bridge is repeated again! wonderful page!
Such an interesting page! I'd love to see the bridge lit at night with all those lanterns.

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Anna Aspnes
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