

Moab, UT

  • Media owner Miki
  • Date added
Another page for the River Trip. Still in the desert. Love the red mesas!

Anna Aspnes
AnnaBlendz Artsy 7 AnnaBlendz Artsy 7
Artsy Transfers Heartland Artsy Transfers Heartland
Artsy Transfers Anything (splatter) Artsy Transfers Anything
Artplay Palette Summery (paper) Artplay Palette Summery
Artplay Palette Heartland (weed)
Artplay Palette Explore (transfer) [url=http://www.oscraps.com/shop/ArtPlay-Palette-Explore.html] Artplay Palette

Artplay Palette Wilderness (label words, button) Artplay Palette Wilderness
Artplay Palette Canyon (weed) Artplay Palette Canyon
Artplay Palette Neige (branch) Artplay Palette Neige
Artplay Palette Forester (label word) Artplay Palette Foreste
Artplay Palette Across the Miles (splatter) Artplay Palette Across the Miles
Button Threadz 2 Button Threadz 2

A 12x12 page was opened and solid paper 3 from APP Summery was layered on it. The photo was given a watercolor wash. A variety of brushes from AnnaBlendz Artsy 7 were opened and layered above the photo (rotated, resized and with the blending modes changed to hard light, color burn, soft light, screen, multiply).). Next the photo was duplicated several times and clipped to the individual AnnaBlendz Artsy brushes. A composite image was created and dragged onto the 12x12 page. The composite image was duplicated with the blending mode changed to hard light. Several stains from AT Heartland were layered over the photo with the blending mode changed to color burn. Transfer 7 from APP Explore was blended into the sky area of the photo. AnnaBlendz Artsy 7 brushes were loaded in the brush set on Photoshop. Using one of the brushes with a reduced opacity, parts of the sky and photo were erased to give a subtle textured look. Several AnnaBlendz Artsy brushes were also layered over the photo with the blending mode to changed to soft light for more added texture. Artsy Transfers Heartland were layered around the photo with the blending mode changed to color burn. Embellishments and paint splatters were added to complete the page.
Thank you for looking!
Love what you did with one of my favorite places. Love your word art and the quotes. Beautiful photo treatment and blending.
I've been gone and am not caught up on the story behind this, but love Moab and love the colors of Moab. We've spent a lot of time there over the years. Wonderful page!
What awesome attention to detail on the photo! You really brought out a richness with all those layers. Insanely inspiring brushwork! Oh, so beautiful!

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Anna Aspnes
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