In 10 years I ...
Initially this challenge scares me off:
time is always ticking and I may be dead by 2026!
Or: which other disaster(s) will hit me upcoming years?
Then I remembered a picture made in 2014.
I did a pelgrimage
and visited a cathedral in France.
On the floor there was a labyrinth:
symbol for life (dutch: lifes way = levensweg)
The labyrinth says that there is no wrong way;
you may trust the way will lead you to your destination.
And thats my wish and my prayer.
The journaling is a song about trust.
Ive used several ArtsyTransfers, ArtsyPapers and ArtsyKardz
inspired by a tutorial on AnnaAspnes blog:
The clock is from APP TingeElements
The compass is from APP Traveler
The musicnote from APP Concerto
Template SimplyTiffanyStudios