
2016 Twice the fun! Anna color challenge

2016 Twice the fun! Anna color challenge

My oldest granddaughter Meghan has been doing Surrogate pregnancies for a few years now... These adorable baby girls were her 4th time... only one embryo was implanted... it split after it was inside her, much to everyones surprise! They were due on Mar 27, and she was scheduled for induction on the 7th, but they decided not to wait... her water broke at midnight and 6 hours later they arrived 3 minutes apart... Is it any wonder she doe this...? So easy for her!!! The parents in this instance live in Japan and the father Yoichi could not get away to be there for the birth, but Mom Hiroko got to witness the big event!.... Baby A weighed in at 6 lbs 2 oz and was 19.25, she was named Kanako... Baby B named Hinako weighed 6 lbs and was 19. They would have been really big babies if they had gone to term!


LA_Going Postal


LA_LL Solitude_puff yellow & purple



OMG, what greater gift could a woman give ... and 2 babies both at 6 lbs ... amazing. Please give this wonderful grand-daughter a hug from me.
A perfectly captioned page and a remarkable story. What an incredibly wonderful thing to do! It's not easy to give that much of your life so others may enjoy the blessings of children, I am in awe!
So exciting! A wonderful gift to the parents and so rewarding for her, too.
How great that she do this for people who can't get children, how beautiful can life be, my respect! Glad that everything is going well!

Your page is awesome, what a sweeties!
Your Grand daughter could not give any greater gift!! What a special wonderful person she is!! You must be so very proud of her! What an awesome page to pay tribute to her!
what a special woman she is! beautiful babies, beautiful design. health and happiness to all.
What a wonderful thing to do! She is an amazing young lady and this is a beautiful page celebrating the gift of life she has given to this couple!
you have a very special granddaughter. this is a beautiful page and i enjoyed reading the story of this special birth. twins! wonderful page for the challenge!!!

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