
Lady Higgs

Lady Higgs

Journaling reads: Kathy Patterson is a dollmaker who creates reproductions of early English Wooden dolls from the 17th & 18th centuries such as the Lady Higgs which you see here. It's a reproduction of a William Higgs doll. Mr Higgs had a workshop in Whitechapel back in the late 17th century and his style can be distinguished by his painting and carving style.
Kathys reproductions are of the finest museum quality and handcrafted individually with an eye for authenticity in every detail. This particular doll is 16" tall and is dressed in Silks from head to toe.

Anna Aspnes
Beach template Albums ( I used two and mixed it.)
Antiquated Frame
AP Memorable (charm)
AP Airy (background paper - blended)

Kathy Patterson kindly gave me permission to use these photos of her dolls. I stumbled on her website by accident and thought her dolls so exquisite I had to share. As you can see her craftmanship is impeccable. You can find out more about Kathy and her dolls at her website 'Babes from the Woods.
Thanks for the comments everyone. I just want to add that I sent Kathy the link to the gallery so she could read the comments and she passed it on to the buyer of the doll who is 'most impressed'!

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Anna Aspnes
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