
Heather Prins

Joys of Spring

Anna Aspnes
Artsy Transfers Arrive *Coming Wednesday*
Artplay Palette Arrive{url=http://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=10012742&cat=298&page=1]Artplay Palette Arrive[/url]
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Beaded Threadz No 1Beaded Threadz No 1
Urban Stichez No 2 Urban Stichez No 2
Urban Stitchez Hearts No 2 Urban Stitchez Hearts No 2
Urban Stitchez Hearts No 3 Urban Stitchez Hearts No 3
AnnaBlendz No. 3 | Blending With Brushes AnnaBlendz No. 3 | Blending With Brushes

Process | I Selected all the layers of ArtsyTransfer Arrive no.3 and linked them all together then placed them on my document in the upper left corner. I clipped my photo to the paint layer of the transfer then using techniques from AnnaBlendz No 3, I used various brushes to blend the edges of my photo. I duplicated the photo 3 times switching the blending mode first to multiply on the original, then to hard light, then to screen on the final copy and reducing the opacity of that copy. Next I placed ArtsyTransfer Arrive no.5 in the lower right corner, flipped it horizontally then enlarged it. I clipped another photo to the main paint layer and used the exact same process as the first transfer photo. I placed a neutral background paper and additional transfers below the AT Arrive one. I added a third transfer from AT Arrive above the the one in the lower right to bring in more color. I placed triangular frames from APP Artsy and clipped two more photos there. I added some Urban Stitches, a couple of embellishments and my journaling.
this is a fabulous composition and thank you for explaining the use of the transfers...I just discovered myself the nice effects of clipping photos to the paint layer. Wonderful photo effects and blending, and LOVE the triangle frames in the middle...wonderful effects all around!
this page is magical with the lighting and the colors - love the way the triangles are joined with the stitching! really gorgeous!

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Anna Aspnes
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Heather Prins
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