
New Boots

New Boots

Good to see my daughter back on her feet. We're facing 2-3 ft. of snow in the Northeast and I think I'd rather be on her coast right now.
Perfect kit for this photo. I agree with you concerning the snow in your forecast - sounds like it is going to be the biggest in many years (I use to live in So. Connecticut, so I know the area weather -lol). Stay inside, and stay warm and dry. Love your new avatar - it is always nice to put a face to the name!
Love the way you've used the old paper to frame your daughter's photo, great page! Stay safe during the storm!!
Love the framing. It looks like a window into the mountain. Beautiful page!
great background for the photo and love the extra one of the boots. Nice journaling
awesome background! love the photos - so glad she has recovered and it back outside! terrific page!
love how you tucked that great frame under the photo and the great shot of the boots. is she hiking in Tilden Park? it is much warmer here. hope you don't get too much snow. stay safe.
Fabulous page! Wonderful photo and so nice that she can get out there and hike!! Great boots too!!

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Anna Aspnes
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