


  • Media owner Adryane
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Calothorax lucifer - a real hummingbird
mine is a bit more colorful.

I used all Anna products but when I do something like this it's too hard to keep track of all the different pieces. If you'd like to know something specific, just pm me :-)

i start with a neutral solid. different color layers are created and warped into different shapes. i haven't done this is a long time so i forgot one step consequently, there are no shadows for the individual feathers. i was too tired to go back and start again. it's been a long day. really not relevant to the process. after warping the layers i put them together and usually merge them. last time i did this there were no urban stitches to play with so this time i tried adding a few. i also added some lines and splatters and then, finally, the skinnylined overlay. there is a tutorial on Anna's blog on how to achieve this effect. i will look for the link and post it a little later.

Thanks for looking :-)
Congratulations on the GSO and I see above a Standing O - I'm off to check both out...

this page is by far the best page I have ever seen - you are amazing - so much talent - it should be in a museum hanging on display for people to see for eons.....it is so good !!!!

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Anna Aspnes
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