
2014 An Important Message

2014 An Important Message

Backing up your precious memories , not to mention all the hours of hard work should be a Priority! It is not hard to do this, nor expensive... I use a company called Backblaze and for only $5 a month, I know if the worst should happen, my files are safe, and I will be able to recover them... I also back up to a small EHD attached to my computer... The dangers of losing everything are all around you... as simple as the computer crashing or as frustrating as having some stranger lock up the files they know are important to you, and holding them for ransom!!! this is happening every day around the world... My son owns a Computer Support Business, and while I was visiting in Alaska last month it happened to one of his clients ... not a thing you can do except pay the ransom, which YIKES! gives the crooks your credit card number!!!! or consider it a loss and move forward, with a new awareness.... Backblaze happened to e-mail me this pi chart this week, and I thought it would be something I could use with this template and convey the message also... FYI I am one of the 9% who backs up daily...




I love this LO! It's something I think about from time to time but scrapping it would really serve as extra motivation. Fabulous way to incorporate that piechart, too!
I think I fall in the category: not often enough! and have lost stuff because of it!
Love your page!

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Maya de Groot
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