

Time - From Then to Now

Lately, I've been busy working on pages from the Spain and Portugal trip we took back in 2008.

What has been striking to me is how much we've changed since 2008. Now I know it's 6 years ago but like those early years of life, a difference of 6 years makes a lot of difference. A eight year old has gone through many many stages that are unknown to a two year old. A seventy, or nearly 70 year old, feels a lot different than a sixty-four year old does. I didn't know that!

So much of the middle years of our -my - life seem to have flowed on a somewhat unchanging level. Or so it seemed to me at the time. There were the hints... The baby weight of #2 child didn't come off so naturally in my 20s. I didn't fathom wrinkles until my late 30s. The first time I couldn't read small print at night led me to reading glasses in my 40s. Daily medication came into my life in my 50s and regular visits to a doctor and dentist were added to my calendar. In my 60s I reluctantly added exercise to my life.

These are the outside things that changed. But the inside ones are more subtle. At 64, I was ready to do a lot of travel with my dh. And we did! So much so that each year I wanted to do less. Each year, especially since retirement, I was more content to stay home and relish the days in my own home. I wanted less from the outside world and found the constant shifting of place, language, environment to be tiring and taxing. A lot shifted internally that I wasn't aware of except to find much less pleasure in things I once enjoyed.

Who knew there was a homebody waiting to come out? Perhaps the real shift of the 70s is from an external focus to an internal one. I hope I reach my 80s to find out!

Font: Mom's Typewriter
Thanks for looking!
This certainly checked a lot of my boxes. I just turned 68 this year.What an enjoyable layout!
Beautiful layering for your journaling. Thank you for sharing your deepest thoughts about time passing by.
A fabuous page, a lot of things that I have also noticed too, not the non travelling yet, but I am sure that will come. I adore your page and so happy that you have shared this with us!
I adore your journaling Maureen, very inspirational to a 45 yo who doesn't want to grips that I have to grow up, now I see I can just grow "different" Beautiful and elegant page!
Awesome take on this ! love your journaling and how it describes an evolution through time

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