
Wants, wishes and Aspirations for 2014

Wants, wishes and Aspirations for 2014

So much I want to do as always... I have been paper scrapping my life since my husband died in 1997...the years are flying by and I am only up to 1984, and that has sat on a table in my living room since a crop last March!!! I really thought I would get to it, if it was in my face every day, but I am so addicted to
Digital that I just can't bring myself to sit down and paper scrap... even though I have so many supplies I could start my own store... I also have to do, for myself, the years between High School Graduation and someplace in the 1970s??? I have done albums for my 3 children each starting from the day they were born through their H.S. graduation... except for the youngest... still have a few years to go on his... but in the beginning I took photos out of the albums copied , and then returned to the album so they were not done for me...so all of those need to be done also... I realized the other day I should just give up the thought process of using the original photos and scan them and get to work on doing digital albums... someplace where I want to be... so perhaps that is what I will do... Also need to get back to the Genealogy end of things...need to at least get the things down that I know... I have a few pages done, some paper , and some digital... again, I planned to use the original photos and memorabilia, but now thinking scanning might be the answer... it is just that the thought process was to have a place where all the original things were stored......Makes me tired just thinking about it all...!

Update... since I wrote this last week at the beginning of this challenge I have learned about a special scanner that just scans snapshots and very quickly...there is a separate one for negatives and slides...anyway called the Wolverine, I think this may be the answer... will be so much faster than scanning with the flatbed... So I think I have a game plan...

Wish me luck...

The beautiful Christmas Cactus blooms like this every year...although usually in January not Dec... Had to include it someplace!

I started with a base of Anna's template AASPN_ArtPlayPaletteSeaLife_ArtStroke3 but ended up tweaking and deleting and duplicaating etc, to the point that in the end all I used of it were its parts...

sequins were MaryPop_Eternity_E (69)


beautiful layout. Liz - I paper scrapped for year, and have a thing for paper - always have, and I too have enough for a store. I would gladly get rid of all but the paper, as I haven't paper scrapped for years. Digital is just too much fun for me, and so very much neater. Sounds like you have alreay done so much. I do wish you luck - I know you will get it done. ;)
Your page is so lovely, your journaling so heart felt. I love the blends, I see the christmas cactus as its blending kind of a sign that the old year is fading to give you a new blank canvas to work on?
I wanted to do digi forever and held off because I also have enough supply to open a store. I KNEW if I started digig I would never scrap again. I was right. I have been thinking how I could do something useful with all the supplies I have. I am thinking and praying about starting a group at church. Creating a special time for moms and their daughters to do something together. Those teen years can be so difficult. I am thinking we could also do a card ministry. Volunteering always brings so much joy to my life. We will see. I just hate thinking of the dust settling on all those supplies :)
Good luck to you. I have my own scanning project for the year - that and photographing al the art and mementos from the past few decades. I figure I should do it before it becomes a burden for my kids.

Your page sets a lively tone for the reflection presented in the journaling. Thanks for sharing.
love your page, good luck with all your projects - I have a scanner but the time is hardly worth it for me. I am thinking of using the Becky Higgins Project life method for all the old photos. Looks like a fast way to get it all done. As I said this page is awesome - love the background photo.
Oh Liz, my grandparents did have the same plants as you have (think i saw some plants in your pages before, my grandparents had). So you are bringing memories back to me with your beautiful page!
Love your journaling! One of the most important part of scrapping don't you think? I will have to check out this scanner! I do adore your beautiful page!
Your fabulous page is featured on the O-blog today...thanks for sharing!
Lovely LO, Liz. Love your journaling. I could write a very similar one for my wants and wishes for this year! Congrats on the O My Stars!
For me, it was a tricky transition from paper scrapping to digitalI use my paper products for cards and mixed media projectsdigital scrapping IS addictive!

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