
Heather Prins

Love The Shot

I was surfing around Pinterest today and was so inspired by this layout -http://www.pinterest.com/pin/102527328990643863/ I had to create a similar one. I love scrap lifting to get the creativity flowing.

Anna Aspnes
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Process | I started by placing the Edge Template on a blank document. I recovered the pieces of the edge templates and also clipped a couple of transfers to it. I added my photo & paper pieces. I added a transfer beneath the photo from APP Awaken. I added snowflake & heart doodles, paint splatters, lips and a doily under the photo. For the photo, I used a 6x6 AK Simplicity and clipped my photo to the paint layer. I added the word Love from 6x6 AK Infatuated and the little hearts then merged the whole card. I clipped it to paper piece . Next i added a few embellishments then shrunk the whole layout down to give it some white space.
Absolutely gorgeous! I love your clusters on here and the blending into the background. Great photo too!
the depth to this makes me feel like I am pulled into the page! wow woman this is butt kicking awesome!!
Love this layout Heather - I checked out the pinterest one as well - love it too - I can see why you chose to lift it.

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Anna Aspnes
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Heather Prins
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