Companion page to the TV thief page....
I Remember when..... we had no TV!!!! I know...totally shocking for todays generation...Hey...there were no iPhones either!!!! So my family was pretty normal...My parents did not buy anything unless they had cash to pay for it...They built he house I grew up in before they were married and it was paid in full shortly after their marriage...we always had food not the table an clothes to wear, etc...but luxuries and extras were few and far between...So by 1954 a few of my friends had the new their homes and I wanted one...So a store had a contest in the newspaper...and I entered and ended up winning our TV!!! I was 13 years old!!!! May never had gotten one otherwise... It was a Hoffman Brand and was housed in a blond cabinet, and had a chartreuse colored screen which was supposed to make it easier on the eyes to view...
AASPN_ArtPlayPaletteInflorescence kit
Foto glow by Anna
Journal masks _knickknacks_tears_masks by Dawn Inskip
tape by Taylor Mitchell