
2013 Zodiac Art Journal challenge 4

2013 Zodiac Art Journal challenge 4

What fun to reaffirm that I really am who I was meant to be!!!!

Aries is a fire sign

I can't read it so here is what it says...

Although independent, outgoing and assertive Aries are also surprisingly trusting. Their faith in life and the future remains untouched by hardship. Independence is key to Aries they do not like to take orders from others and enjoy getting their way. They easily take offense to comments made. Aries are self-involved and can be self-centered, if they do not pay attention to the feelings of others, Aries can easily become spoiled and resented by others.

People born under this sign strongly project their personalities onto others and can be very self-oriented. Aries are enthusiastic about their goals and enjoy the thrill of the hunt, "wanting is always better then getting" is a good way to sum it up. Aries are very impulsive and usually do not think before they act - or speak. Too often Aries will say whatever pops into their head and usually end up regretting it later!.

Deep Inside the Aries strong, independent surface may lie insecurity. This is due to the intense drive to succeed and Aries put too much pressure on themselves, thus resulting in self-doubt. however, their natural optimism and enthusiasm overtakes this and the underlying insecurity may never be known to others.

Aries is regarded as the most physical sign and because of its Mar's rulership; it is also one of the most highly charged masculine energy signs in astrology. No wonder women born under Aries are forceful, dynamic and aggressive, and as a result these Aries women frequently find themselves with dilemmas surrounding their romantic relationships. For them, a man has to be a 'real man' to deal with an Aries woman, otherwise she intimidates him. Aries women are adventurous, independent and have competitive natures. It also tends to make them very forthright. Aries can't adapt to any kind of restriction, particularly possessive relationships.

Aries people love challenges... In fact, if everything is running smoothly, they are quite capable of going out and doing something (sometimes quite foolish) to rock the boat. Aries love to race in where angels fear to tread. ...

Aries images from dreamstime.com
Aries text compiled from various internet sources
2 layers of JenMaddocksDesigns_GMS_pp9 blended on top of feli_s_pp01
Chinese Zodiac by Tina Chambers
Title font Bleeding cowboys
Journal fonts evanescent and ariel
Fun to read all this about your sign. love the images, wonderful page!
I'm not into art journaling, but I really do like your LO! Love that internet image.

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